Experts Incubator closes in ....
"I want to learn but I feel like I am mentally paralyzed ...."
I have lost the count of how many times I have heard "Darn, I wish I had your memory. It's a real gift." Such comments usually come from people that don't know me very well. For many, good memory is something you either have or you don't. It's one of those pesky, persistent myths that just won't go away.
I get it. Not many people know that there is science behind the process of knowledge acquisition. Being able to learn fast is something anyone can master, not a divine gift. And it's not just some random, nice-to-have skill like basket weaving or juggling chinchillas.
Knowing how to learn is the single, most important skill you can master in your life.
It's the difference between being able to live a rich, creative and meaningful life and just trying to survive. It's also the only tool that will make you truly ready for the world we live in.
Why should you master the art of learning?
(1) Ever-changing labor market
The US Department of Labor prediction is that kids in high school will have had 10–14 different jobs by the time they're in their late thirties, and that 65 percent of our grade-school kids will end up in jobs that haven't yet been invented.
What's more, a November 2017 report by the McKinsey Global Institute that analyzed around 800 occupations in 46 countries estimated that between 400 million and 800 million jobs could be lost due to robotic automation by 2030. In light of the predictions, the running gag of "they took 'our jobs!" takes on more sinister overtones.
(2) More and more competition
Globalization is great, but it has its dark side - more and more competition. The opening up of countries like India, China, and Russia means that their people can offer their services more easily and cheaply than ever before. The only way to truly stand out is to acquire unmatched expertise.
Futurist Alvin Toffler aptly explained this new reality: “In the future illiteracy will not be defined by those who cannot read and write, but by those who cannot learn and relearn.”
(3) Live life on your own terms
Succeeding at work is undoubtedly important. However, the benefits of knowing how to learn fast and actively don't end there. This skill also gives you unbridled freedom to live life on your own terms. You will especially appreciate it once you look at the list of regrets of elderly patients on their deathbed.
- I wish I'd had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.
- I wish I had chosen more meaningful work.
- I wish I had lived my dream.
- I wish I focused more seriously on education, even part-time.
- I regret not having enough confidence in myself.
- I wish I taught my kids to do stuff more.
- I regret not getting that degree.
- I regret not taking more initiative with my life.
But you don't have to look that far to see that those regrets spring up much earlier in life. Here is a couple of them that you can find all over the internet.
- I'm starting a challenging new job, and I don't know if I can manage.
- I regret spending so much time on stupid material shit that I thought was cool.
- I wish I had spent my college years developing job-related skills instead of expecting that a four-year degree would be enough.
Can you see a common theme here? All those pains are directly connected with your ability to learn. It's ironic when you think about it. We have access to the biggest database in the history of our world (i.e., the internet), yet we struggle more than ever to learn just a tiny bit of it.
It's not for the lack of motivation. Everyone has their reasons to learn - money, passion, fame, adoration. There are no wrong answers here as long as "this something" winds you up.
The real problem is the lack of results. You can only work so long without seeing any effects before the last spark of enthusiasm gets snuffed out.
A depressing cycle of learning
You always start learning filled with enthusiasm. The visions of your future success and all its accompanying benefits thrum in your head. You begin plugging away. As the days go by, you notice that even though you're putting in the time, not much knowledge stays with you.
Dejection creeps in. You begin to feel a twinge of disappointment. "What's wrong with me? Why can't I remember more after all that sweat and effort?!" You tried to silence this inner critic and promise yourself to work even harder. After a couple of weeks, your motivation bursts into hundreds of pieces.
You begin to think that you're not cut for learning, and that leads to 50 shades of rationalization.
- I am already 36, and I am too old to learn. Just bury me now.
- My hands are too small to hold books.
- Intelligence is fixed, I can't do anything about it. Others are simply smarter.
- I am a Scorpio, and Scorpios are naturally immune to learning.
As terrifying as it sounds, it's natural.
Let's be honest - how many times can you fail before you break? Hell, think about the last book you have read and see if you remember more than a handful of facts from them. If this is how learning looks like, no wonder people give up.
One of my readers summed it up perfectly:
"When I take a course with someone, I'll study and study, and then when it comes time to testing or talking about a subject, other students will have demonstrated better understanding and learning...and this feeds to the identity of either, "I'm stupid" or "I can't learn" or "Others are smarter than me" "Others can and I can't". Now when I take on new projects, I always think of how I've failed in the past, and then I end up already expecting to fail and then don't put in the effort."
While most struggle with the depressing cycle of learning, another group of learners is battling another problem.
So much to learn, so little time!
"One of my biggest problems is that I want to learn many skills in a very short time, which made me frustrated about the training process. I understand that this means a lack of focus. However, it is extremely hard for me to decide which skill to start with because all of the skills are important. In other words, it is extremely hard to abandon any skill that I want."
"I often feel that there are so many books and so much stuff to read and so little time!"
"I feel shame that I didn’t learn these skills which are very important to me. I feel frustrated that I will not be able to learn all of them."
I love such comments because they show a profound understanding of how impactful knowing how to learn is. Life can be so much richer once you become a person with many skills and talents. Suddenly, you can take on any field that you're passionate about and use it to improve every area of your life. I do mean EVERY area. The costs of the inability to learn are as high as they are invisible.
Hidden costs of the inability to learn effectively
Problems with confidence
"How can I get out of the feeling that I am too dumb to learn anything?"
We all fail from time to time. Most of us have learned how to deal with it and move on. The problem is that after failing too many times, you might begin to feel humiliated beyond the point of return. That leads to complete avoidance of learning and escapism towards different forms of mindless entertainment.
Lost opportunities
It's true that beyond every corner there is a new opportunity. Sadly, most of the time, we either don't have enough knowledge to spot it, or our skills are lacking, so we miss out on this golden ticket.
It might be something as simple as not getting promoted because you didn't know enough, so Steve got your dream job. Now you're spending your evenings chugging wine and thinking bitterly, "Screw you, Steve, just screw you!".
Wasted money
Investing in your education is definitely great. All those books and courses can certainly further your career. The problem is that if you can't retain any of that stuff, you're just throwing your money away.
Many ways to fail
What's sad is that all this helplessness and resentment is not your fault - it's the learning methods you have been using so far. I mean, where were you supposed to learn them?
1. Learning styles
The education system has failed. This skill is nowhere to be found in any curriculum. What's more, most teachers and lecturers haven't even bothered updating their teaching methods. McDonald's study showed that learning styles theory was endorsed by 93 percent of the public and 76 percent of educators. Why is it scary? Because this theory has never been confirmed. Even worse, it's has been debunked time and time again by dozens of different studies. This is just one example of how stupid, but commonly accepted methods impair your learning.
2. Mindfulness and other silliness
Many, propelled by this frustration, resort to educational websites and blogs to find ways to battle this amnesia. Most of the time, they are attacked by silly articles explaining why chewing gum, drinking coffee, eating blueberries, mindfulness or meditation is the best solution for improving memory. The next thing you know is that you're struggling to do the lotus position while trying to fight persistent diarrhea.
3. Mnemonics
The next stop is usually mnemonics. If you have ever read even a handful of popular memory websites, you might get this feeling that everyone has read the same 5 classic books on mnemonics. The answer to everything is the memory palace, method of Loci and so on. They sell you beautiful visions of memorizing hundreds of pieces of information in a matter of days.
It seems that no one is pointing at the elephant in the room - why do these people rarely have any other skills other than using mnemonics? Wouldn't it be extremely easy for them to master 5 fields of knowledge and 5 languages in a matter of 2-3 years? It would if mnemonics worked. Sadly, they don't long-term. All they do is temporarily expand your short-term memory. Still, without proper encoding and strategies, all this information will be gone in a matter of weeks.
It's actually funny that even many non-specialists can point out other absurdities connected with mnemonics. Here are some of the comments from Amazon regarding a wildly popular mnemonics book "Moonwalking with Einstein".
"For all the interesting research and discussion about memory in this book, the author does not address what is the real, fundamental problem with mnemonic techniques, which is that they overestimate the importance of remembering raw information and forget the importance of finding it at the right time. Unless you are a minstrel or you live in a 9th Century monastery, remembering strings of information is not really that important. What counts is remembering what you need to remember at the right time, and knowing how it is positioned relative to other, related information."
"In the same way in which repeatedly taking IQ tests improves one's performance on IQ tests only, memory athletes seem to be proficient only in their specialized fields of memorization, becoming again humans like us when they are given information to remember in unforeseen formats."
"Instead of doing the hard work of real thinking (consciously comparing one thing to another, noticing essential similarities, and developing new abstractions out of those), the memory competitors are engaged in an appalling inversion of thinking. They create false memories of nonsense events (see the title) in order to temporarily remember someone else’s contrived trivia. Even after reading the book I can’t understand why anyone would spend a year or even a week trying to do that."
Heck, you can even find studies that show how limited those supposed memory benefits are:
"When memory athletes are fooled — by being told they won’t be tested on a list of words and then getting quizzed by researchers anyway — they don’t perform much better than average".
4. Deconstructing skills
Even more advanced advice like "deconstructing skills" is rarely useful on its own. Ok, so you know constituents of a given skill. What next? How are you supposed to memorize them? When are you supposed to practice and for how long? It's like a maddening descend into the rabbit hole.
The list goes on and on. One thing that all these hollow strategies have in common is that they divert you from what real learning really is.
The Real Learning
Acquiring expertise is not just about remembering. This fact is echoed in a lot of emails I get on a daily basis:
"I'm constantly just stuck in the information seeking phase, no real application of the knowledge, just a sense of accomplishment from "knowing" about the Information. What is the correct approach to solving a complicated problem?! How does one decide what information can be used, how to untangle it, or build a creative solution.? Just have in mind Leonardo da Vinci, Carl Friedrich Gauss, Leonhard Euler, Ramanujan, and anyone similar really. Tell me how do they do it and don't blame it on genius because I don't believe in that."
It's not (just) about memorization
Most memory books and courses focus on a very narrow part of the learning process - memorization. They will show you how to mindlessly rattle off random definitions, either thanks to mnemonics or bland flashcards. I will save you the suspense - that's not real learning.
Real learning envelops not only memorization but a deep understanding of the topic at hand together with the ability to apply it to different problems.
What's more, it also involves the mental aspects of this process. It's about knowing how to reshape your surroundings and accept negative feedback.
Real learning is durable, almost evergreen.
If you truly learn a concept, it will stay with you for years or even till the end of your life. That's because the informational web in your head will be so thick as almost to resemble a carpet. This coherence will guarantee that even in case of any unforeseeable breaks, your knowledge won't decay within days or weeks. Real learning is not easy, but it's well worth the price of admission.
What the life with better memory feels like
Three months from now you sit at your desk, fix yourself a nice cup of coffee and you start learning. But this time is different, you don't tear up at the prospect of learning. You don't treat this activity as an equivalent of getting a root canal treatment with kiss on a forehead as your anesthesia.
Instead, you get this nice, warm sensation in your stomach, almost as if you were a child again when learning was fun. When discovering something new everyday filled you up with excitement.
Can you imagine the confidence you would feel? Every book would hold a promise of potential solution to your problems or a seed of inspiration for your future creations. Any project would be doable. Everything could be improved. Information, instead of forming an abstract glop of nothingness would start making sense and connecting into patterns.
It would be a difference between being constantly intimidated and terrified of each and every task, and becoming a go-to person that is admired and appreciate for the skills and the knowledge.
Instead of forgetting 95% of every book you read, you would retain as much as you desire. With this kind of know-how, you could become a sought-after expert or an author. Most importantly, it's the world where you have the freedom to be and do whatever you want. You could, if you choose so, rediscover yourself every couple of months.
If you didn't like your job, you would just quit. If you wanted to get promoted, you would quickly master a new skill to stand out among your competition. Heck, if you decided to take up carpentry as a hobby, it would be fully possible.
The best thing is that with the right learning system, you can only get better with time. The more you know, the faster your knowledge starts expanding.
It sounds too good to be true, but this is how life without constant forgetting looks like. How do I know it?
My average week
I experience it every day first-hand. In a typical week, I teach three languages out of 8 languages I know (English, German and Swedish), consult specialists from different industries on memory improvement, productivity and problem-solving.
Even though my educational background is in Computer Science and Econometrics, I am also a certified nutritionist, personal trainer and trichologist. I consult clients with different health problems, androgenic alopecia, fatty liver, rheumatological arthritis, etc.
On top of that, in a couple of years, I built a very popular website on language learning and memory improvement. That required me to learn SEO, copywriting, content marketing, how to write, build an audience, etc.
I also invest actively - anything from short-term speculations to long-term investments. A skill I learned mostly from memorizing tons of articles and speeches online and two books. That's a decent return rate for 10$ investment if you ask me.
These are dozens upon dozens of skills that most people would say are impossible to acquire to even a decent degree. We are talking about thousands upon thousands pieces of information that I am forced to use every day.
That's the world I live in - the world where information doesn't evaporate soon after you have stopped reading.
What EI students are saying:
I passed 5 Agile certificates, got a pay rise and much more
A brilliant course! I have participated in many before but never got much out of them. The problem has always been that although some new knowledge "came" to me, I didn't know how to use it and obviously; as a result I forgot it. What I experienced in Experts Incubator cannot be compared with any other course. Thanks to this course, I finally learned how to learn and started reaping enormous benefits instead of cramming and forgetting it 2 weeks later.
A brilliant course! I have participated in many before but never got much out of them. The problem has always been that although some new knowledge "came" to me, I didn't know how to use it and obviously; as a result I forgot it. What I experienced in Experts Incubator cannot be compared with any other course. Thanks to this course, I finally learned how to learn and started reaping enormous benefits instead of cramming and forgetting it 2 weeks later.
Thanks to the techniques and learning methods used in the course, I was able to
- build (the process is still ongoing) a huge knowledge base in many areas (foreign languages, agile, medicine, investments, law)
- pass 5 Agile certificates
- complete the Project Management Academy course with an outstanding exam result
- effectively manage my own time and be able to isolate myself from everything, which has no price tag for me
- prepare amazingly well for recruitment interviews (including changing my job with a beautiful pay rise)
- prepare a solid foundation for learning any field of knowledge in the future.
It's also not like everything is served on the tray - the course contains a huge range of material, a lot of tasks to perform during the process, so it's definitely an amazing adventure for several longer weeks.
Is it worth in? Absolutely!
JAN KOWAL // Project Manager
From knowing close to nothing about physics to building ornithopters!
Ornithopter engineering is not exactly one of the most common and accessible subjects to learn about, especially for someone with no science education beyond a single college physics course. And despite my commitment to this dream, I've always been stuck vainly poking at the edges of knowledge. Over the last few months, working around an often demanding day job, I've amassed hundreds of cards on subjects ranging from vector calculus and lift production to the properties of bat wings, and taken the first small steps toward using that knowledge to make something cool.
Check out one of Anne's ornithopters!!!
"Ornithopter engineering is not exactly one of the most common and accessible subjects to learn about, especially for someone with no science education beyond a single college physics course. And despite my commitment to this dream, I've always been stuck vainly poking at the edges of knowledge. But after years of false starts and discouragement, Bartosz has given me a way forward. Over the last few months, working around an often demanding day job, I've amassed hundreds of cards on subjects ranging from vector calculus and lift production to the properties of bat wings, and taken the first small steps toward using that knowledge to make something cool.
Experts Incubator has already been worth many times its price to me, and every time I go back I find more of value in it. Whatever it is you want to learn, this course can help you get there, and keep getting you there for the rest of your life."
Learning fast and efficiently is all about the right strategies
Many of us prefer to think that there’s something mystical going on, that the persons who learn fast are somehow special. We don’t like to believe that we are all capable of similar feats because it's easier to think that it's not possible unless you are like Bradley Cooper in Limitless - you pop a pill and the magic happens. Others prefer to think that you can't excel in many areas.
The truth is that you can learn fast and you can learn effectively. It doesn't matter how many times you have failed in the past - it's all about the methods you use.
About Experts Incubator
Experts Incubator is a comprehensive knowledge acquisition system that will show you how to:
- create a learning plan for any discipline
- memorize, understand and apply any material
- plan your learning session depending on your goal
- find great learning resources
- create your own feedback loops
- manage and catalog your knowledge
- automate your skills so you can use them whenever you need it
- and much more
Main benefits of Experts Incubator
You will learn how to independently master any area of knowledge
The keywords here are "master" and"independently". I will show you how to memorize, understand and apply even the tiniest of pieces of information you will find. The system will help you with any skill or in any industry. At the same time, I will show you how to do it without the help of others.
It means that you will be able to use this system over and over again, whenever you need it without feeling helpless and not knowing what to do.
It's perfect for short- and long-term projects
It doesn't matter whether you want to become a sought-after specialist, fast-track your career in your field or to tackle a challenging certificate in a short time. The course can be used for both purposes.
It will help you to retain information for a very long time or almost indefinitely (depending on your goal)
I know probably 99% of memory solutions out there. Most of them will show you how to mindlessly memorize with mnemonics or other trite techniques like simply using Spaced Repetition Programs like Anki or Quizlet. The sad thing is that all those solutions work just temporarily. Yes, you will remember information slightly long, but you will still forget it over time.
Experts Incubator will show you what I call real learning, i.e., acquiring knowledge in such a way that it can reside in your brain intact for years without fading away.
It will show you that learning is fun
The education system has done a lot to discourage people from learning, and probably "fun" is not the word that comes to your mind when you think about learning. Regardless, my goal is to show you that learning can bring you tons of satisfaction and be extremely fun and enjoyable at the same time!
Experts Incubator includes:
Module 1: Introduction
Just a friendly welcome and suggestions on how to use the course most efficiently.
Module 2: Common Learning Myths and Mistakes
The module tackles what's true and what's not learning-wise + provides you with the relevant scientific references.
Module 3: Basic Information About Learning and Forgetting
It discusses all the main principles concerning knowledge acquisition and forgetting so that you know what to expect during your learning adventure.
Module 4 & 5: Preparation and Your Learning Plan
You will learn how to prepare your own learning plan and establish the order of learning. The module also teaches advanced learners how to tackle projects with no clear curriculums.
Module 6: How To Find Good Learning Resources and Assess Their Quality
This module will show you how to find the learning resources and assess whether they are credible. It also shows how to automate their delivery so you can stay up-to-date in your industry without spending more than a couple of minutes per week.
Module 7-9: How to Memorize, Understand and Apply Any Kind of Knowledge
Those modules are the core of the course and will show you the most important strategies for acquiring any kind of knowledge. The deeper you get, the more sophisticated they become (e.g. limiting eye fixations while learning to decrease your cognitive load).
Module 10: Learning from A to Z - Practical Examples
The module contains dozens of examples of how to acquire knowledge from different domains with the help of strategies from modules 7-9 (e.g., physics, Forex trading, poetry, etc.)
Module 11: Other Memory Boosters To Accelerate Your Learning
This module will guide you through the remaining strategies that can be used as additional memory boosters in your projects.
Module 12: Everything You Need To Know About Feedback
Create your think tanks, learn how to accept feedback, create your feedback loops and much more!
Module 13: The Immutable Laws of Learning
In this module, you will learn the essential principles that will help you prepare mentally for becoming a fantastic life-long learner.
Module 14: How To Reproduce The Content of Most of The Courses and Trainings
Learn how to ethically reproduce and reverse engineer the content of most of the courses on the internet.
Module 15: Your Action Plan
A concise summary of all the strategies and tools you have learned so far + actionable cheat sheets that you can keep handy while learning.
Module 16: FAQ + Extras
The place for all your additional questions concerning learning and improving your mental performance.
Why EI is different than anything else
It's not one of those courses where you have no contact with the creator because he's to busy snorting coke from Shetland pony's ass in Malibu. I love learning, and I am always available to answer your questions and help you based on your emails and pre-course survey. Your success is my success.
Experts Incubator comes with a private FB group where you can share your thoughts and problems and receive support from other students and me.
As a part of the course, you will receive reminders that will nudge you to share how you are progressing with the course.
All the learning methodologies are lacking in one way or another. Mnemonics focus on raw memorization, pretending that human memory doesn't need context to successfully recall information when it's needed. Project-based learning ignores memorization. Spaced repetition programs evangelists try to convince you that learning random pieces of information will somehow magically create coherent knowledge. The list goes on and on. Experts Incubator fills in all those gaps and focuses on every single aspect of learning including psychology.
It's a memory system that makes people yell, "No way! You didn't learn it that fast/by yourself! Liar!"
The course shows you a clear path to mastery regardless of your profession and the field of knowledge you want to pursue. It can also be used to prepare for certificates and exams.
Even though Experts Incubator is not a membership site, it behaves like one. It aims to remain a one-stop for all your memory needs. If you ask me a question to which there is no answer in the course, I will write a separate unit for you that will become a part of the next update so everyone can enjoy it.
Soon, you will have a chance to see step-by-step how I tackle my personal, "scientific" projects. You will learn what methods I have used, and you will even have access to my flashcards and notes.
The course to end all the courses
Most internet courses and training companies have a very simple business model - copy a content of a couple of books and sell it at a premium price. I know - brilliant! Most of the time, you won't find a shred of original thought in them. I hate it. This is certainly not what self-development and education is all about.
Experts Incubator will show you how to ethically reproduce and reverse engineer the content of most of the courses on the internet. What's more, based on other strategies from the course, I will even show you how to expand such courses and make them better!
The internet is a treasure trove of knowledge - Experts Incubator is your skeleton key.
I am a memory expert who is obsessed with making knowledge acquisition faster and more effective and coming up with new learning strategies.
I am also a polyglot with a knowledge of 8 languages, language coach, certified nutritionist, personal coach, trichologist with a background in Computer Science and Econometrics.
As you can see - I love real learning. I believe that we all have the capacity to become amazing in many different areas if we only stop wasting time on pointless learning strategies.
Bartosz Czekala
Join other EI students!
Experts Incubator has been tested by learning enthusiasts and professionals from many different industries, including:
I was able to prepare and pass 4 certificates
I signed up for the Experts Incubator training because I wanted to learn faster, smarter and sharper. The result was well above and beyond my expectation. In just a couple of months, I was able to prepare and pass 4 certificates. What's more, the skills learned in Experts Incubator helped me create my own self-education program and learning became an awesome hobby.
I signed up for the Experts Incubator training because I wanted to learn faster, smarter and sharper. The result was well above and beyond my expectation. Before Bartosz's training, I was a slow learner and was also struggling with long-term knowledge retention. After the training, not only can I learn super fast, but I also effortlessly retain the knowledge.
In just a couple of months, I was able to prepare and pass the following certificates
- 13/03/2020 Professional Scrum with Kanban I
- 30/11/2019 Scaled Professional Scrum
- 30/10/2019 Professional Scrum Master II
- 28/10/2019 Professional Agile Leadership I
What's more, the skills learned in Experts Incubator helped me create my own self-education program and learning became an awesome hobby. I would recommend Experts Incubator to everyone.
P.S. EI gave me so much confidence that I also consider taking on other challenging learning projects such as:
- Artificial intelligence for self-driving cars training
- Private Pilot Licence PL(A)
MICHAL SERKIEZA // Scrum Master and Agile Coach // Founder of the world's best DIY agile degree (
Becoming good at selling + sound engineering
I've been working hard on applying the Incubator course in my life, and the results are great! When it comes to selling. I've managed to close 7 sales in a field I knew nothing about! Who knew? My cousin has a photography studio in Portugal and I've applied some Challenger model techniques and GAP selling (a different approach than they mostly follow) to convert a few leads. And this was just for fun! She gave me a few contacts that, according to her, were "a waste of time". Now I'm having fun exploring other knowledge domains like sound engineering.
RICARDO R. // Business owner and language coach
A life-saver during my preparation for The European Diploma in Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care examination (EDAIC)
Bartosz's learning strategies were a life-saver during my preparation for The European Diploma in Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care examination (EDAIC). I nailed it! The exam requires a profound understanding and near-perfect memorization of quite a few books. You could think that with 10+ years of clinical experience in anesthesiology and pediatrics, I would know how to learn. Sadly, it turned out that I had to relearn tons of stuff that I thought I learned before. The good thing is that I finally know how to clamp all this abstract knowledge into fully functional models that don't escape me anymore!
LUCAS Z. // Pediatrician and anesthesiologist
I could immediately apply the knowledge that I considered "theoretical"
Personally I love that the deeper you get into the course, the more everything makes sense. Initially, I found myself nodding in disbelief while reading some units. Of course, once I applied those methods, it became obvious that I was wrong. I could easily remember and apply tons of information I learned. I work as a production engineer and I used the course to improve my skill solving abilities. This is where it gets weird....
Experts Incubator is the second course I have purchased from The Universe of Memory. The guy is a memory magician! Even factoring in my positive attitude, the course has greatly surpassed my expectations. It's very extensive and at the same time very approachable. It teaches you everything you need to know step-by-step, so it's hard to get overwhelmed.
Personally I love that the deeper you get into the course, the more everything makes sense. Initially, I found myself nodding in disbelief while reading some units. Of course, once I applied those methods, it became obvious that I was wrong. I could easily remember and apply tons of information I learned. I work as a production engineer and I used the course to improve my solving skills abilities. This is where it gets weird.
Thanks to Bartosz's methods, I could apply immediately apply the knowledge that I considered "theoretical". The best way to explain how weird it to imagine reading a surgery guidebook and being able to operate on your first try. What really counts for me is that learning became fun, and you must know I never liked it before. Not in my school or during my studies!
Tom bigus // Production Engineer
I can instantly acquire knowledge in fields that are important to me
I gained a lot of thanks to both Bartosz and his Experts Incubator. I can instantly acquire knowledge in fields that are important to me, regardless of whether it is psychology, business knowledge or medicine. The course is incredibly comprehensive, and even the smallest topics related to the science of effective learning are explained and, what is important, supported by the relevant research.
I gained a lot thanks to both Bartosz and his Experts Incubator. I can instantly acquire knowledge in fields that are important to me, regardless of whether it is psychology, business knowledge or medicine. The course is incredibly comprehensive, and even the smallest topics related to the science of effective learning are explained and, what is important, supported by the relevant research. There is no room here for guesses and far-fetched theories. Anyway, in case of doubts or difficulties, Bartek is always ready to help.
It's funny because it seems to us that we know how to learn based on the fact that we have been doing it from an early age. However, quantity does not equal quality. This course made me realize that it is possible to learn many times faster, and many times more than I have ever thought before. This quality results from Bartek's knowledge and commitment. Since I met him (over 2 years ago) thanks to his help and courses, my life has changed beyond recognition. I have become incredibly disciplined when it comes to science - now it is a natural habit for me - I have not missed a single day of study for many, many months.
ADRIAN P. // Office manager
Frequently Asked Questions
Is it the course for the beginners or the advanced in their respective fields?
Can I use Experts Incubator for learning languages?
Can I use Experts Incubator to improve my academic abilities?
I am [old/young/Apache helicopter/water-propelled tricycle] - will EI work for me?
How does the course work?
I work/want to work as a [ ... ] - will it work for me as well?
Can't I do it on my own?
Is it the course on mnemonics?
How much time do I need to finish EI?
Is the course right for me if I want to do short-term projects?
What if I have a problem that is not discussed in the course?
What if I fall behind?
The course is not for everyone. I am particularly interested in working with three groups of people:
1. People who want to become leaders or experts in their fields of interest or industries.
2. Already established experts who are looking for an extra edge to become the best of the best.
Learning enthusiasts that are serious about their goals and projects.
Please read this carefully, so there is no misunderstanding.
Experts Incubator is NOT for you if ...
It might be too late for you. You have fallen victim to shoddy marketing of most memory books and courses. You can't learn anything to a decent level in 10 hours, and this course won't help you with it. You can learn fast with the strategies presented in EI, but the main goal is to show you how to do what no other course on the market does - become an expert from scratch.
If you have already purchased 20 books and 10 other courses on memory improvement and you haven't finished even one of them, you can stop reading here. The course requires your commitment and time. If you don't have both, it's not for you. What's more, your time will be better spent reading all those materials first instead of spending more money.
Experts Incubator is for you if ...
EI is a comprehensive knowledge acquisition system that can be applied to any area of knowledge. Once you master it, you will be able to reap enormous benefits for years to come without having to spend hundreds or thousands of hours figuring out what works and what doesn't.
Courses, lessons, live trainings, etc. are all fantastic ways to learn. However, my goal is to show you how to become a fully independent learner. I want you to become someone who can create their own curriculum, memorize, understand and apply newly acquired knowledge.
The chance is that you don't want to spend more time than it's necessary to master your area of interest. You want to squeeze as much as you can out of each hour of your studies. EI will provide you with a system that is fully optimized for efficient learning.
If you have already tried many learning approaches and you find them disappointing, Experts Incubator might be the solution you have been looking for. It's not you - it's the methods you have been using so far.
Try Experts Incubator for 60 days, 100% risk-free
You are fully protected by my 100% Satisfaction-Guarantee. The course is yours to try for 60 days. That's enough time to go through it at least twice.
Why so long?
Because I want you to truly feel the results of using my system. I want you to see what it feels like to still remember relevant information weeks after you have learned it and to be able to apply them to your projects or problems.
If my learning system doesn't improve your learning pace, e-mail me, show me that you have tried applying my methods, and I will give you a full refund and cover all transaction fees.
Bartosz Czekala
Perfect if you usually don't need extra help and prefer to do things on your own.
For anyone who needs some additional support, guidance and accountability.
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Simple, fast and effective flexible move
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... or pay in installments
6 months x 50 $
12 months x 27 $
6 months x 74 $
12 months x 39 $
What will you learn within the next six months?
Knowing how to learn is the single most powerful skill you might acquire in your life. It is equivalent to knowing magic as it is the only skill that has the power to reshape the world around you. Experts Incubator is a skeleton key that will allow you to discover this power and your true potential.
With it, any skill you have ever wanted to learn will be within your reach. Once you realize that every book contains a wealth of knowledge that can be easily acquired, your life will never be the same again.
There are almost no exceptions - we all have the capacity to become amazing in many different areas if we only stop wasting time on pointless learning strategies.
Sadly, we like to procrastinate and wait for the perfect time to learn something new. But the time flies and the moment never seems right. The ultimate nightmare is to wake up one day full of regrets only to find out that you were right all along - it is too late. The best thing about mastering the art of learning is that it brings effects very fast.
Just think what is possible in 6 months. You could:
Whatever you decide, I will be there to help you with your goals and projects. You won't have to run around maniacally like a headless chicken - I will point you in the right direction.
In the end, the best investment you can make is the investment in yourself, or, as late Jim Rohn put it, "Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune."
If you have any questions or concerns about the course, email me. I am happy to help.
or click here to do it via the contact form.
© 2020, The Universe of Memory