Braille language resources – Language Links Database

Braille – is a tactile writing system used by the blind and the visually impaired. It is traditionally written with embossed paper. Braille-users can read computer screens and other electronic supports thanks to refreshable braille displays. They can write braille with the original slate and stylus or type it on a braille writer, such as a portable braille note-taker, or on a computer that prints with a braille embosser.

More informationWikipedia

Native speakers: 77 million (2010)

Official language in: South Korea, North Korea, China Yanbian, People’s Republic of China

Braille Grammar and Pronunciation

  • Paths To Literacy - 14 lessons in pdf format
  • - a list of courses for sighted family members and professionals who want to learn braille. They range from simple introductions to rigorous courses for aspiring certified braille transcribers.

Also, includes following categories:

  1. Braille Instruction
  2. Braillers & Braille Technology
  3. Emergent Literacy
  4. Literacy for Students with Low Vision
  5. Literacy for Students with Multiple Disabilities
  6. Prebraille Skills
  7. Resources for Families
  8. Sources of Braille Books and Materials
  9. Spanish Braille Resources
  10. The Learning Media Assessment
  11. Unified English Braille Code
  12. What is Braille?

 Braille Dictionaries

Braille Listening and Video Resources

TV / Video / Movies

If you want to help with expanding this list of resources, please send me your suggestions here.