Guarani language resources – Language Links Database

Guarani – It is one of the official languages of Paraguay (along with Spanish), where it is spoken by the majority of the population, and where half of the rural population is monolingual. It is spoken by communities in neighbouring countries, including parts of northeastern Argentina, southeastern Bolivia and southwestern Brazil, and is a second official language of the Argentine province of Corrientes since 2004; it is also an official language of Mercosur.  

More informationWikipedia

Native speakers: 4.8 million  (1995)

Official language in: Paraguay, Corrientes (Argentina), Bolivia

Guarani Grammar and Pronunciation

Digitized Grammar Books

  • A Double-Verb Construction in Mbya Guarani, 37 pages (pdf)
  • Guarani Basic Course, Part I. This is the first in a two-volume basic course in Guarani, the indigenous language of Paraguay. The volume consists of an introduction to the language, some general principles for adult language-learning, and ten instructional units. Because the goal of the course is to encourage and lead the learner to communicate in Guarani in class and outside of class, the units are organized in such a way as to maximize the student’s role in learning. The units in this volume are self-instructional, “preparation stages” of the lessons which are oral and written exercises in vocabulary, pronunciation, structure, and conversation for the student to study and practice before going to class. Following the preparation stage is the core stage in which the instructor presents the material in short question-answer exchanges. The explanations are in English, and the exercises and dialogues are in both Guarani and English, with occasional use of Spanish. (AMH), 255 pages (pdf)
  • Guarani Basic Course, Part II (the indigenous language of Paraguay) contains the core stage, or class-instructional phase, of the ten units presented in Volume One. These units contain explanations, exercises, dialogues, various types of pattern drills, suggestions for games and communication activities, and various types of vocabulary lists and exercises. Most of the exercises are in Guarani and English, with the exception of the last section of the book which is in Guarani and Spanish. This last section consists of short dialogues on situations and activities one would encounter in daily life in Paraguay. (AMH), 497 pages (pdf)
  • LivelinguaGuarani Basic Course, Part III496 pages (pdf)

Guarani Vocabulary

Guarani Reading Materials

Guarani Dictionaries

Guarani Listening and Video Resources


  • JesusFilm - The FIlm About Jesus in Guarani
  • YouTube - A List of YT Video Lessons


Guarani in Other Languages

  • WikiBooks Lessons and Grammar in Spanish 
  • Datamex Grammar and Phonology in Spanish

If you want to help with expanding this list of resources, please send me your suggestions here.